I keep the welding bench and the bandsaw right next to the sink.  Constantly cool the parts off-- you will burn yourself and burns on your fingers are a real handicap.  I prefer to not use gloves when I work because my first co-op job at General Motors was in the safety department.  They had a rule:  No gloves around rotating machinery.  The old timers loved freaking out the new kid by letting me look through the file photos.  One was of a thumb hanging from a drill press chuck.  The tendon wound up spindle for an especially gruesome effect.  The guy had gloves on and was in a hurry.  He had turned off the drill and grabbed the chuck to slow it down (like I do all the time).  This chuck had a couple little square allen head set-screws.  If he was not wearing gloves he would just have gotten a minor laceration.  As it was, the set-screw had the glove to dig into and his thumb got ripped off.  I don't even wear gloves when I weld, which is equally stupid.  At least it keeps me in the habit of cooling off the parts every time.
See, I'm po' too.  A file is used to get that semicircle perfect.  Like painting a car or house, the preparation really pays off.  It's just as important to grind or file the side flanges flat and true which is what I am doing here.
Do you get what I'm doing yet?  I tried hammering over the flange cold and it didn't bend right.  With a torch you can heat the flange where you want it to bend and give a couple gentle taps with the hammer, then heat a little further up the flange and repeat.  It wants to wrap around the semicircle on one side but I did have to take a pair of needle nose pliers to get the open side of the flange to lay right.  You po' folk, well, now that I think about it you po' folk might as well just give up and do drugs and gamble because a life without an oxyacetylene torch is just not not a life worth living. 
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