Still glowing red from the heat, this is what the strut looks like with the flanges bent.  What I didn't show was using the bandsaw to trim the first flange to the centerline of the strut after is was bent around the semicircle.  Then I bent the other flange until it touched the first one then used the bandsaw to get it cut so it would mate up perfect with the first one.  I suppose one could skip this if the strut was first cut at the perfect distance with all kinds of diameters and 3.14159 calculations but I know it would still need trimming or be too short so I figured to just trim as needed and be done with it.
Here they are, welded up and sanded with a belt sander.  If you po folk have recovered from the melancholy of not having an oxyacetylene torch what till you realize the quality of life hit you suffer by not having a belt grinder.  Hell with food stamp, we should have tool stamps.  Teach a man to grind an you feed him for life ya know?  In the mean time you can still get great results with hand sanding.
The bag is mounted with the cut up strut in position.  The luggage rack is sandwiched between the struts and bag is far enough out to miss the chain-gaurd (it's really the brake lever that's closest).  The greatest thing about this is how the cut-up strut fills the gap and makes the installation more integrated.  I am pointing the nice face of the cut strut inward but I will be changing that in a few pictures.  Stay tuned. 
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Page rev: 04Jun01