Primary Leak
I think this is called a quad ring by the factory.  It's kind of like an O-ring only it's square in cross section, not round.  I assume this will prevent us from using standard O-rings instead of official factory authorized original genuine big-dollar quad rings.  Either that or they're too stupid to read the Parker Hannifin O-ring design guide and make an O-ring work.  It might also have to do with the fact that after almost 100 years Harley Davidson Motor company is incapable of designing a motor with a decent oiling or breathing system. Whatever the reason, it's a quad ring.  Accept it an throw it in the tray with the rest of the parts.
Here's the funky lock nut/spring assembly.  The derby "cover" pushes on the spring and holds the nut in place.  This is proof positive that given enough money and time even a moron can design something that sort of works (kind of).  Pull it out and throw it in the tray.
Screw the center bolt in clockwise to back out the incredibly beautiful release mechanism.  Powdered metal I think.  Must be great to have all that T-shirt money to over-design parts with.   Forgive me, I still have a soft spot for the old stamped steel jobs used from 1970 to 1983.  Now that was great design.  Virtually frictionless and cheap as all get-out to produce.  They probably early-retired that guy.
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