Primary Leak
It's time for the manual.  In a design that goes back to 1953 you would thing there would be some coherence to the way things went together.  You would think wrongly.  I was supposed to pick up my friend Lorrie and go to a funeral service for a bro at 6:30.  No problem, I started at 2:30 right?  Read on.  If Harley calls and threatens me with their lawyers for publishing a grainy picture of their lousy manual I will ride to Milwaukee and club a lawyer to death.  Then they can give his salary to the Primary Cover Design Department and I won't need to publish the picture of the manual because they will make a piece of machinery and not a puzzle.
OK, much to my amazement the manual says the clutch mechanism must come out so off comes the derby cover.  (A cover mounted on a cover-- you know something's wrong.)  I thought this at least was a simple cover but just wait, it's really a clutch adjustment lock mechanism retainer that is just posing as a cover for those trendy LA wannabes that put 200 mile a year on their bikes.  Read on.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you do have a set of Torx wrenches don't you?  Why would any decent company use these satan-spawned tools of abomination on a mass produced vehicle with a reputation for do it yourself ownership?  Well, a decent company wouldn't.  It's not like they need the greater torque delivery on a screw that goes into aluminum.  The crank freaks are already stripping out the Allen's and even the Phillips head screws for crying out loud.  The only reasons? 1) To encourage you to take the bike to your friendly, efficient, 80 dollar an hour factory dealership.  2) So some lazy incompetent middle manager at Harley can get a hunting trip and a Vietnamese prostitute from the Torx people in exchange for fucking over every single Harley owner past, present and future. 
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Page rev: 31May01