Side Stand
Here's the front view.  Yup, perfect-- and all day tomorrow to ride.  Life is good-- as long as that weld holds.  I'll let you know how I did.
The truly magnificent $205 Fuji Finepix 2300 digital camera had filled up all three of my smart media cards so I went upstairs and used the ultra cool USB cable to suck them into my computer.  By the time I surfed the net a little it was dark but I took a few pics of the bike anyway.  Pretty dramatic huh?  This bike has shovelhead FXE sheet metal and a Ness dash cover.   I run a nice set of bags Denton sold me dirt cheap (he sold me the sheet metal too).   I've had this bike 20 years and I love it more every year.  I really love it when it doesn't fall over when I kick it.
Here's the show side of the bike.  I threw the sprocket cover in the trash and fabbed up a steel bracket for the kick starter.  I mount the battery in the front in that swoopy bracket you can just make out.  I need to redesign it though-- this fender just touches it at full jounce.  That's a project for another day.
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Page rev: 17Jun2001