Set the output voltage to the desired value, using the
front panel dials. Set the VERNIER control to zero if
interpolation between 1 millivolt steps is not desired.

Connect the DC+ and DC- terminals (on the front or rear
panel) across the load. If desired, connect the positive
or negative output terminal to ground.

Sensing . The regulator circuit maintains the potential between
the sense leads (s+ and S-) at the set output voltage. When these leads
are connected to the positive and negative output terminals, the power
source is connected for local sensing. When the sense leads are connected
to the load, the source is connected for remote sensing. Remote sensing
is used when an appreciable voltage drop is anticipated in the leads
connecting the positive and negative output terminals to the load. The
Model 2005 is connected for local sensing when shipped from the factory.
For remote sensing, proceed as follows:

Remove the shorting links from between the rear panel DC+
and S+ terminals and from between the DC- and S- terminals.

Connect the DC+ and DC— leads across the load.
Connect the S+ and S— leads to the positive and negative
sides of the load, respectively. Run the sense leads as
a tightly twisted, shielded pair. Connect the shield to
the G (chassis ground) terminal to minimize output ripple

Turn on the Model 2005.
Series Operation . As many as four Model 2005 units may be con-
nected in series to provide up to 80 volts. Connect the positive DC
output terminal of one supply to the negative output terminal of the next,
in the same manner as connecting batteries in series. The ground terminals
on all units may be left floating or they may be tied together and con-
nected to either the most positive or most negative output terminal.

To insure optimum voltage regulation, disconnect the shorting
links between all S+ and DC+ output terminals except those at the most
positive potential. Then connect jumper wires between each S+ terminal
and the S- terminal on the next more positive power source. In this way
the voltage drops in the leads connecting the power sources will be
compensated for by the regulator circuits of the individual units. For
remote sensing, proceed as directed above, except connect the most posi-
tive and most negative S+ and S- leads across the load.

Remote Voltage Programming . The output voltage can be programmed
remotely by an external fixed or variable resistance. Proceed as follows:

Turn off the power source, set all output voltage controls
to zero and set the RANGE switch to 0 —10V.

Remove the shorting link from between the rear panel RV
and S+ terminals.
