All replacement semiconductors are processed and stocked at the factory to insure complete interchangeability with the devices in the original equipment. To insure that proper replacements are provided, the original devices are coded with a Power Designs Inc. part number as follows:

Power Designs Inc.
Suffix Identifying
Manufacturer’ s
Special Parameters

When ordering replacements, please identify the device as completely as possible, listing the model and serial number if available.

In some cases, the replacement part received may have a different part number from that given in the Electrical Parts List. This can be due to several factors:

a. A different prefix indicates that Power Designs Inc. is using a different vendor source. The operating characteristics of the devices are identical.

b. A completely different part number indicates:

The original vendor discontinued manufacture of the item
or could no longer manufacture it to the original specifications.

A better device for use in the particular circuit has
been substituted.

Tighter controls for interchangeability have provided
greater assurance of improved reliability with the new replacement.
