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. | IEEE has asked me to remove this
content since the article has been turned into a book that makes them
money. I have left the pages intact and removed the content. http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/print/3218 The Book: Putt's Law and the Successful Technocrat: How to Win in the Information Age http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471714224,miniSiteCd-IEEE.html |
has asked me to remove this
content since the article has been turned into a book that makes them
money. I have left the pages intact and removed the content. http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/print/3218 The Book: Putt's Law and the Successful Technocrat: How to Win in the Information Age http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471714224,miniSiteCd-IEEE.html |
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