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Bob Pease tribute video

After Bob Pease died, I made this tribute video to say goodbye to a true friend. pdf version
The week after Bob Pease died in 2011 I made a tribute video based on a bootleg video I made of his messy office in 2008. I won't embed the YouTube video here since it invokes JavaScript and I have a strict no-JavaScript policy for this website.

I will paste in the comments from the YouTube video, and add a thing or two.
This is a goodbye eulogy to my friend Bob Pease. It starts with a bootleg video I took when I was visiting National Semiconductor in 2008. I mashed it up with some still pictures of Bob's office, some going back 40 years. To that I added some stills I had of Bob from our days together on the Analog Seminar. There may be a couple pictures in there from Fran Hoffart. One office photo is from Don Sauer. The flag at half-mast is from Paul Grohe.
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Andy Aronson at National Semi has done a great video of Bob.

My print eulogy is here, as is a remembrance 5 years later.

Here is how I made the video:
I took the .mov from the Dimage X50. I figured out how to upgrade my Sony Vegas 9 to 9e and that along with installing the K-lite codec pack and Quicktime Alternative let me load the mov files intoVegas. I no longer needed to transcode in VLC. I refuse to install Quicktime on any computer I own. I went from 15 to 30fps and doubled resolution to 640x480. I used velocity profiles to do the freeze frames and make the video match the music a little better. It took even longer to figure out a codec setting. The H.263 would not render but Sony Vegas just fails and does not tell you what setting the codec can't do. I finally went to the mainconcept codec and I can't even remember the blizzard of settings I used for that.

The music is Also sprach Zarathustra, Op.30, by Richard Strauss (1864-1949) Semyon Bychkov, conductor. I snagged the music from the Wayback machine people.

It is community and public domain near as I can figure. I trimmed the dead air in the beginning and just faded at an appropriate point using Vegas audio volume profile. With Vegas up to 9e and the K-lite pack, I did not have transcode the music into wav, which over-drove it on the earlier edit.


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