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Suffering with webpage printouts

In 2007, most web browsers treated a 100%
table as a page. No such luck anymore.
pdf version
In 2007 I read how HP vice president Vyomesh I. Joshi made some statements about printing of web pages on HP printers. I found this amusing since I have found HP printer drivers to be uniformly incompetent. Remember how you had to put the same bugs in your HPGL rendering engine as HP did, just so the file would plot the same? So rather than worry about page definition languages, which Adobe owns the market in with Postscript,
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I asked that he just use his influence to make browsers handle 100% defined tables and divs the same. Cascaded style sheets help, you can have a separate stylesheet for print, but I still find I have to use tables instead of divs in places where I don't want the printed output cutting a picture in half. If you put a picture in a table, browsers tend to keep it in one piece, Not so when you put an image inside a div.

Here is the comment I made back in 2007:
Tell Vyomesh I. Joshi that the best thing he can do to promote the printing of web pages is to use HP's clout to enforce the current habit whereby web browsers interpret a window as a printed page. In this way, by defining a table as 100% wide and 100% long this table appears as a single page. It works in Opera, Explorer and Firefox. By using basic HTML to define ten tables with 100% window width and 100% window length I can then print out ten pages from that single html web page. There are some issues I am working on involving image scaling but this will not be a major problem. The web was developed by geeks that thought the printed page was obsolete. They were and are idiots. Autocad did the same thing and Turbocad has made a nice little business with a user interface that recognizes the primacy of the page. There is no money in this for me, I am not a patent troll, I just want the browser people to keep some basic standards regarding printing so I don't need a CS degree to publish my web site. To get 10,000 software weenies making web standards that ignore printing is a tragedy. To hire 10,000 more to figure out how to render a webpage on a printer page is madness. Just fix the problem, not the symptom. You can look at liquid design pages to see how the page will fill to your browser window yet still format to one page on a printer. A double-liquid web design would fill the page across the horizontal and vertical axis of the window (as well as the printed page).
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