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SolidCAM fast as I can

I make the part from the first impression videos as fast as I can. It took 23 minutes, with a few extra minutes to do simulations. pdf version
Original read-only SW2019 test part file here.
Completed SW2020 part file here.

Now that I have been evaluating SolidCAM for a month, I thought I would go back to that test part my pal Dave Ruigh designed to trip up cam systems. Rather than explain things as I go, I just went as fast as reasonable to get a baseline for how long it takes to navigate SolidCAM if you already know what you are doing. Those first shows I was figuring things out as we went, and had to backtrack or start over a few times. As I was recording this show, the first take I forgot to do the perimeter of the part. Then I spent a few minutes wondering why the simulation showed things all screwy. I love that simulator.
I am going to go back to BobCAD CAM and VisualCAM Mill and see how long those programs take to do this same part. I suspect it will be close. SolidCAM does have geometry picking benefits, where it can project a line along the model, but that is more a convenience, I don't think it will save much time.

Where SolidCAM shines is the beta simulator. It shows gouges and excess in color, like VisualMill and SolidWorks CAM by CAMWorks. I find this so much better than the ModuleWorks third-party simulator that both MasterCAM and BobCAD CAM use. For a non-machinist like myself, having a great simulator is a big deal.
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