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Creating the table-of-contents

Make a page that shows the site contents.
This is distinct from the homepage.
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Since I think homepages should not be a table of contents, that means you do have to make a table of contents page, similar to what the homepage of most websites looks like.  To do this I simply co-opt the main index template file for the website. Rather than let it clobber the index.html file that I copy from the archive sub-directory, I set the output of the website's main index template to Contents/index.html. It's good to do this since the default Movable Type Main Index template has some roll-ups of all the blogs and such that will help you make a decent contents page. Only thing I have not figured out is how to automatically re-publish the main index whenever something else changes on the site.When you publish an entry template in a blog it automatically runs the main index and archive index templates. It also updates any category pages in the blog. I don't see that happening to the parent website index template, you have to do that by hand. [Update] I have abandoned the complex Movable Type index page in favor of a page that is entirley contained in a copy of the main index page I cloned. It does not call ny header or footer modules, or the insanely complex Entry Summary module. The page calls a local stylesheet that is linked to itself so I can modify it with Stylizer and have MT save the changed file instead of overwrite it. The page is 8 boxes that have the main subjects as title. I call out the appropriate entries with a tag array like:
<mt:Entries blog_ids="6">
                    <li><a href="<$mt:EntryPermalink$>" target="_blank"><$mt:EntryTitle$></a></li>
This creates a list of entries that link to the perma-link for the entry.
Bottom of first columnmove down to the left

This post is in these categories:

border bar
Bottom of first column This is the end.