BobCAD-CAM first impression
BobCAD makes a popular CAM software that runs standalone and inside SolidWorks. I try the SolidWorks version. |
Read-only part file here. Demo part file here.
Note the demo part file will only open with toolpaths in another demo version, you can't open it in a paid-for BobCAD CAM.
After using the VisualMill standalone package, I feel it is much simpler to use the SolidWorks version of these CAM packages since that means there is only one file that has the model data and the CAM data. With a standalone package, you have to export a SAT or STEP or other type of CAD exchange file from |
SolidWorks, then import that to the standalone CAM program, and then save your work in a third file format.
This will make horrible configuration management issues, as you struggle to keep track of what version of what files go with each other and which ones are out of date. The benefit of a standalone package is that you don't need to use it on the SolidWorks computer, you can have on a cheaper machine or a different computer. There are also many more standalone companies, OneCNC, EdgeCAM, and others.