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BobCAD-CAM as fast as I can

I program BobCAD CAM for SolidWorks as fast as I can to do the test part. It took about 25 minutes, 30 with simulation. pdf version
BobCAD CAM first impression video
Beginning read-only part file here.
Finished part file here.

I wanted to program the CAM test part from the "impression" videos as fast as I could. I did this for SolidCAM as well. In BobCAD-CAM, programming the part took about 25 minutes, with 5 more minutes to examine the simulation. I did not race through the part, but instead, tried to keep a reasonable tempo.

It took doing all these episodes to understand how BobCAD-CAM handles climb and conventional milling. Under the operation tab, there is a "Default Chain Start Point" where you can change the direction of the cut geometry, so a left cut side will climb.
I also have a better understanding of the structure of the tree. The menu picks are not individual operations, but more like a feature or group of operations to pick. This works very well for tapped holes, where BobCAD-CAM will put in center-drill, drill, chamfer, and tapping operations under one tree item.

This is also extended to 2D menu picks, where you can put a rough and a finish operation, or a pocket and a profile, or other combinations of operations. If this ends up jumbling the order of tools you want, there is a Machining Order selection in the job where you can group the operations together by tool. I far prefer having operations under a tree entry rather than CAMWorks, that has two separate trees.
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