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Adding images to a Movable Type post

Movable Type calls pictures "assets" and stores the
path inside the database it creates and keeps for you.
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The Movable Type programmers call pictures and files "assets". This is to confuse you so they can feel smarter than you.

Don't be discouraged. Mall bunnies grow out of their secret languages at age 17, but programmers never do. You do have to think about where you will put the pictures. A huge amount of files in one directory will slow down a server as it has to parse through them all to find a given file.

Still, you would need thousands of files to get to that level. I have chosen to just make a Suffer/images sub-directory for this first blog. If I upload files I will create a Suffer/files sub-directory. I do this in the >pages>folders tab. That way the folder name shows up in the drop-down selection in the upload box.
The easy way to upload a picture is to use the goofy little house icon in the top of the editing area in the entry page. It gives you a selection of anything you have already uploaded, but there is a "new" link you can click on. Once you get the file uploaded Movable Type will ask if you want to put a thumbnail in the post. If you check it, movable type will create an Suffer/assets_c (c is for cache) where it will pepper dozens of thumbnail files in a sub-directory of year then month. This is wasteful and retarded but so is most software.

[Update 2018: I now put the images in the same sub-directory as the post. I don't name the post by ID number, it is just an index.html file.]
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