The text of the letter for 1988:
"The memo and guideline given to you last week was not a "WHIM". It was put together after careful consideration and considerable thought on my part and several other Engineering, Manufacturing, and Purchasing supervisors. It has become apparent (since I continued to recieve [sic] incomplete purchasing reqs) that this guideline was largely ignored, and or misunderstood."
"If you do not understand the guidelines, please see me, and I will be glad to help with any questions you may have."
"If you haven't read it, please take the 5-10 minutes it would take to do so."
"In the future, incomplete requisitions will be returned before sourcing is even attempted. So if you don't understand something, please see me."
This purchasing clerk had a bully personalty, and I think that comes out in the snippy tone of the letter, which I have saved for 30 years, as a treasure of corporate dysfunction. I will give her this, at least she had the honesty to be a