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Wilton vise

Many tool aficionados consider the Wilton to be the ne plus ultra of bench vises. pdf version
A cheeze alert, but not quite blatant incompetence with oak leaf cluster, just your plain old everyday unserviceable consumer electronics crap. OK, fans suck. In case you are a blithering idiot, you might also consider that batteries, radios, especially cell phones, and anything cheap and mechanical that wears out also sucks. Film at 11:00, live at 5:00. Bad enough this PC video card uses a fan. Even a new fan is noisy. In my HTPC (home theater PC) I don't want any fans if possible. But fans are also the least reliable part on the card, followed by the electrolytic capacitors. So the fan in my ATI 9600 XT 256mb video card started making noise. That was a cliustershuck of troubleshooting, since I did not realize the video card even had a fan. So I did all kinds of research about replacement fans for the Dell 8300 that the card is in. 
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I bought the whole PC for 150 bucks on Craigslist, and it has served pretty well to run the 46 inch Samsung and 47 inch Olevia I use as dual monitors when they are not being TVs. Good thing I opened up the PC before ordering a new case fan.

After seeing the rumbley grindey noise was not the case fan, I stuck a pen in the power supply fan. No, not there either. So I am going crazy, thinking it might be a noisy hard drive. A rubber hose held to
Here is the card dropping into the garbage. That is where it and the mechanical engineers that designed it belong.
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