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Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep4

All finished, with the missing weights on the way from the seller. The great quality makes up for the bad documentation. pdf version
My tailor in California had a sign, "High price, you regret once. Low quality, you regret forever." That is true in this EXM-3000 gym. The $4600 bucks I spent on Amazon hurt, but now that it is together, I have to say I am delighted with the design and quality.

The same goes for the poor assembly documentation. It drove me nuts while I was trying to use it, but now that I have gotten through it, I will be happy with the gym for a long time. With the pandemic heading into the Fall second wave, I am thankful I will not have to go out to Anytime Fitness twice a week. I have read that bars and gyms are the two riskiest places to catch the virus. Now I have the convenience of a gym at the house.
As I suspected, the Amazon vendor, Gronk Fitness Products, really stood behind the purchase. When I wrote, I got instant responses. When I said there were 5 weight plates lost in shipping, Dan did not quibble or blame the shipper (Roadrunner). He express-shipped the missing weights in two days, so I will be able to get them installed before the end of the week.

Once again, I blame Body Solid documentation, which only had to call out there were supposed to be eight boxes of weights somewhere. As it was, I ended up counting the weights in the assembly drawing, and then realized that I was short a box. Kudos to Gronk for making sure I got them ASAP.
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There was some damage, like the logo on the row bar. I may have done this when I ripped off the clear plastic wrap over the letters. I was able to pull the "Bo" part of the logo up and put it back so it reads right now. I had the same problem with the Body Solid logo on two of the weight stack covers.

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The weight stack covers did have a design flaw. If you put them on the way Body Solid intends, the right-hand cover obscures the weight labels. You can also see the the cover on the right got scratched up in shipping.
To fix this, I flipped the right cover, which puts a shorter flange up front, but there is no angled part to make it look more finished. The documentation just had flat flanges with no angled part at all, I guess this was a change.

When I tried to flip the right hand cover on the squat station side of the machine, the cover interfered with a pulley mounted on they bottom frame. So I had to put it in as per design intent, and I will have to live with the weight stack labels being half-covered up. Thankfully, the angle you look at the weights as you sit on the squat station means you can see the numbers pretty well. The other thing is that the covers clang, some sound deadener would have helped this.
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