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Body Solid EXM3000 gym, adding weights

Add 50 pounds of weights to the stacks in the gym. Mine got lost in shipping, but you can also increase from 200 to 250 lb stacks. pdf version
The one problem I had with the Body Solid EXM-3000 gym I ordered from Amazon was that a box of the weight plates was lost in shipping. I did not think they used a very good pallet to ship the 1200-pound gym, though not sure if that is Body Solid's fault, or Gronk Fitness Products, the Amazon vendor that I bought the gym from.

No matter whose fault, since I signed for the shipment, Gronk could have stuck me with buying weights. Instead they apologized profusely and immediately shipped out a box of the mission weights. If I had realized I was one box short I could have caught the error before I finished assembling the gym and gotten the weights in time for assembly.
While my problem was missing weights, Body Solid also sells 50-pound kits with 5 more plates you can add to the 200-pound stacks. These kits cost around a $100 so I was relieved when Dan from Gronk Fitness shipped me replacement weights at no charge.

In this video I show how to take off the weight covers, and the top bracket so you can slip the missing or added weights to the stack. It was easier than I thought, since I could just lean the weight guide rods outwards and slip on the weights, I did not have to remove the top bracket to do this. This video also shows how to adjust the cable tension and put on the weight covers so you can better see the numbers on the plates.
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