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Analog Diet, week 4

I've lost 12 pounds in 32 days. I should have all 20 pounds off in the next month, stay tuned. pdf version
My shopping list here.
The spreadsheet to calculate calories here.
The progress spreadsheet here.

I fell of my strict Analog Diet lifestyle a year ago. I stopped weighing myself every day. I started to "cheat," adding cheese to all my meals. Worst of all, I started to eat a large can of nuts every day. I told myself that nuts are healthy. They are, but not when they add 1000 calories a day to your diet.

The pandemic just added to my nervous eating. I was up 20 pounds from the 170 pounds that I achieved after losing a massive amount of weight 3 years ago. It was time to go on the Analog Diet diet.
The Analog Diet lifestyle is where I am supposed to maintain my weight. The Analog Diet diet is where I limit my calories so that I know I will lose at least 10 pound a month.

It has been 32 days since I started. Since I go to the grocery store every eight days, I call this "week 4". I have lost 12 pounds, so I am delighted to be ahead of schedule. The great news this week is I can once again fit into size-34 pants. I have noticed that when you get into smaller clothes, that is when everybody notices how much weight you have lost. The pants are a bit tight, but that should go away by next week. I love that I have gone from the last belt notch to the third-last belt notch. I feel better, and have more energy.
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FatThis is me four years ago. I weighed 318 pounds. I had high blood pressure, adult-onset diabetes, and terrible back pain. I could only stand up for a few minuted before the pain made me want to go sit down again. This made me even less active.

It's a fallacy that it is harder to lose weight when you get older. What is really happening is that you are much less active, so your body is not processing the calories. I bought a kitchen scale, and I started to weigh myself every morning. I went to a lifestyle where I ate a lot of vegetables, then carefully added protein and fats to balance things out, nice and analog.
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ThinThis is me down to 170 pounds. From size-50 to size-34. No more back pain, heartburn, and cured of diabetes and high blood pressure.

My buddy's Amazon affiliate links:
Endureglass 3.0 L Glass Cookware
Endureglass 1.5 L Glass Cookware
My Weigh KD-8000 Kitchen And Craft Digital Scale + My Weigh AC Adapter
Ginsu Gourmet Chikara Series Forged 420J Japanese Stainless Steel 8-Inch Chef's Knife
Bonavita 5-Cup One-Touch Coffee Maker
Bonavita Double Walled Carafe
Scanpan Professional Griddle
OXO Good Grips Non-Stick Griddle
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Meal 1:

Snapper, salsa, Parmesan, 541 cal/day

Breakfast-omletI botched the morning vegetable omelet as I get used to the OXO pan I just bought. I even forgot the sour cream. That keeps the calories down to 298 calories.
With 368 grams of Snapper,  a cup of salsa, 80 grams of Parmesan cheese, and 21 chopped vegetables, the large lunch bowl has 1082 calories, for the two days worth of food I prepare.
For evenings, I made a large 32-oz coffee with a cup of whole milk in it. This is 150 calories, and keeps down any evening cravings. The day's calories are 298 + 541 + 150 = 989. This is well under my 1200-calorie goal. Since the vegetable bowl is enough for two days, I eat the same things the next day.
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Meal 2:

Beef Alfredo, 429 cal/day

OmeletFor the next two days, I have the same morning omelet, though I change up the hot sauce. Today it's Cholula. With Kraft Aged Reserve cheese instead of sour cream, the calories come it at 449 this day.
With 122 grams of beef, a 3/4 cup of Alfredo sauce, and 21 chopped vegetables, the large lunch bowl has 858 calories, for the two days worth of food I prepare.
For evenings, I made a large 32-oz coffee with a cup of whole milk in it. This is 150 calories, and keeps down any evening cravings. The day's calories are 449 + 429 + 150 = 1028. This is well under my 1200-calorie goal. Since the vegetable bowl is enough for two days, I eat the same things the next day. It takes about 40 minutes to make the bowl for two days.
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Meal 3:

Clam tuna kipper chowder, 550 cal/day

Breakfast-omletLike all days, I start with the vegetable omelet. I put cheese on this one as well, instead of sour cream. That makes it 449 calories. This keeps me fed all morning, I eat the lunch bowl around 2:30 PM, which keeps any evening hunger pangs down.
With one can of clam chowder, two cans of kippers, two cans of tuna, and 21 chopped vegetables, the large lunch bowl has 1101 calories, for the two-days worth of food I prepare.
For evenings, I made a large 32-oz coffee with a cup of whole milk in it. This is 150 calories, and keeps down any evening cravings. The day's calories are 449 + 550 + 150 = 1149. This is well under my 1200-calorie goal. Since the vegetable bowl is enough for two days, I eat the same things the next day.
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Meal 4:

Pastrami, gravy, Parmesan, 590 cal/day

Breakfast-omletFor the meal I prepared in the video, I started with the same omelet, even getting in a rut since I used Cholula sauce again. As usual, the cheese bumped the calories from 250 to 449. The fats in the cheese keep hunger pangs down all day.

With 311 grams of pastrami, one cup of beef gravy, 80 grams of Parmesan cheese, and 21 chopped vegetables, the large lunch bowl has 1180 calories, for the two-days worth of food.
Around 5:00 PM, I made a 32-oz decaf coffee with a cup of whole milk. This is 150 calories. The day's calories are 449 + 590 + 150 = 1189. This is just under my 1200-calorie goal. Since the vegetable bowl is enough for two days, I eat the same things the next day. Having these meals over the 8-day period allowed me to lose three pounds more.
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