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Analog Diet, week 1

Losing 4 pounds in 8 days is great progress. By staying active and working out twice a week, my metabolism is not slowing. pdf version
After eight days I have lost 4 pounds while on the Analog Diet. This is better than my goal of 10 pounds a month. I lost over 100 pounds three years ago, but gained 20 back over the pandemic. It was partially because I stopped going to the gym. The real culprit was that I started eating a bag of nuts and a block of cheese every single evening. To hide my stupidity, I stopped weighing myself every day, as if not knowing would just make the problem go away.

So I am changing from the Analog Diet lifestyle, where I am supposed to maintain my weight, and reverting to the Analog Diet diet. This means no more nuts and cheese at night. I also bought a home gym to stay strong.
I make a large bowl of vegetables, protein and fats every two days. So I have a "day off" of lunch perpetration every other day. I am still eating a huge vegetable omelet in the morning, slathered with horseradish and sour cream. That omelet is about 400 calories. The main meal is around 500 calories. In the evening, I make a large decaf coffee and add a cup of whole milk for another 150 calories.

This gives a daily calorie count of 1050. This is aggressive for a 6-foot guy, but I don't feel it is dangerous. When I get to my target weight in a couple of months, I will ease back into eating nuts and cheese for dinner, but at much smaller portions. I will also keep weighing myself every day to ensure I don't gain again.
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2017-06-11_My-enormous-fat-ass_profile.jpgHere I am at 318 pounds. It was the result of not caring about what I ate, and being sedentary as a writer and engineer. The stressful jobs in Silicon Valley did not help.

You need to count calories to understand weight control. I bought a scale, and made a spreadsheet to help me measure and quantify my caloric intake. Meanwhile, you can see the size-50 belt and XXXL shirts that went to size-34 and size L.
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2018-12-06_My-enormous-fat-ass_profile.JPGIt took 18 months to get down to 170 pounds.  The rapid progress kept me limiting my calories. It's been three years, so I hope it sticks.

My buddy's Amazon affiliate links:
Endureglass 3.0 L Glass Cookware
Endureglass 1.5 L Glass Cookware
My Weigh KD-8000 Kitchen And Craft Digital Scale + My Weigh AC Adapter
Ginsu Gourmet Chikara Series Forged 420J Japanese Stainless Steel 8-Inch Chef's Knife
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