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Introducing the Analog Diet

It's analog since it balances carbs, proteins, and fats. The secret is that all the carbs come from vegetables. pdf version
The Analog Diet is not a diet in the sense that you deprive yourself of things you really like for a short period of time. Then, after getting to some target weight, you go back to eating the things you used to. Your weight is an equilibrium between the calories you consume and your metabolism.

Metabolism is set by your lean muscle mass. You can do vigorous exercise to burn more calories, but that is as unsustainable as fasting every few days. It just won't work. Look how the contestants on that Biggest Loser show always go back to their starting weights after a year or two. I have read that only 2% of people like me that have lost 100 pounds manage to keep the weight off. Let's improve that.
The simple fact is your "diet" has to be a lifestyle change, not some intermittent behavior. This is why I distinguish between the Analog Diet diet, where I need to lose weight, and the Analog Diet lifestyle, where I am just maintaining the weight I am at.

Due to nervous eating during the pandemic, I have put on 20 pounds. One contributing factor is that I stopped going to the public gym. To solve that I bought a $4600 home gym. Your health is worth spending that kind of money. Now that I am back in the gym routine, I felt I should get back down to the weight I was after losing 140 pounds. Seeing myself on camera in the gym videos showed me that I had lost control of my weight.
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2017-06-11_My-enormous-fat-assHere I am at 318 pounds. It was the result of not caring about what I ate, and being sedentary as a writer and engineer. The stressful jobs in Silicon Valley did not help.

I quit the corporate life and moved to Florida. This removed major stress, but I kept up the bad eating habits I had fallen into. At least I started going to the gym again, but a workout at the gym is not much better than playing a round of golf for burning calories.

There is a terrible simple secret to losing weight: Eat less. It really is as simple as that. It helps to exercise and be active, but you need to count calories to understand weight control. I bought a scale, and made a spreadsheet to help me measure and quantify my caloric intake.
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2018-12-06_My-enormous-fat-ass.jpgIt took 18 months to get down to 170 pounds. Note the piece of my belt I had to cut down (50 to 34"). The rapid progress kept me limiting my calories. I was losing a pound every 4 days or so, and every two days at the beginning.

The key was understanding my eating habits had to change, radically. Now I gain 20 pounds and but then lose it again. This has happened several times in the last three years. Yet I know I can always revert to the Analog Diet diet, then go back to the Analog Diet lifestyle.

Meantime, my diabetes is cured, my high blood pressure is cured, and my back pain is cured. I don't get ear infections. My athlete's foot is almost gone. Fungus and bacteria like to feed on all that sugar in your blood. And I feel great.
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