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Sure, eat right, stay fit, die anyway. Thing is, it's not about longevity extension, but more the quality of the years you have left.
There is no peer-reviewed science that says you can extend your lifespan by eating healthy and exercising. Yet no one argues that a healthy lifestyle will increase the quality of your life.

Quality of life is not some new-age feel-good psychobabble. It is a real measure of feeling better, looking better, and getting the things done that you want to achieve.

My mom once asked me, "Paul. what is the most important machine you own?" I started thinking about my Harleys, or my milling machine, or some of the electronic test equipment I used in my business. She shook her head and explained, "No, your most important machine is your body, and why don't you take care of it the way you do your other machines?"

Good point mom. The food and drink you eat is the fuel for that most-important machine. The exercise you

do is the maintenance for your body. Some folks get exercise as a part of their natural day. A housewife chasing after the kids and running the home gets a lot more activity than a gal that just sits at a desk all day.

When I went into engineering, nobody warned me there is a serious occupational hazard having a job that allows me to make money sitting in front of a computer. Compound that with sitting around at home most of the time. Then make things even worse by the kind of high-starch and fast food in the standard American diet (SAD).

If you do have a sedentary job, offset that with more activity in your off-time. This section will show ways to make healthy meals, get some exercise, and how to try and make a balanced lifestyle that means you can stay active and happy even in your old age. With some healthy fuel and good maintenance, all kinds of good things happen to your body and your life. Make every attempt to put good food and active lifestyle into your day, and happiness ensues.
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Analog Diet, week 8

Analog Diet, week 8

I've lost 23 pounds in 64 days. This is three pounds under my goal of 170 pounds. Now comes the Analog Diet lifestyle.

Analog Diet, week 7

Analog Diet, week 7

I've lost 20 pounds in 56 days. I will diet one more week, to get a little under 170 pounds. Then comes the Analog Diet lifestyle.
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Analog Diet, week 6

Analog Diet, week 6

I've lost 17 pounds in 48 days. I should have all 20 pounds off in the next month, stay tuned. Then comes the Analog Diet lifestyle.

Analog Diet, breakfast omelet

Analog Diet, breakfast omelet

I have a large vegetable omelet every morning. With 450 calories, it keeps me full until 2:00 in the afternoon.
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Analog Diet, week 5

Analog Diet, week 5

I've lost 15 pounds in 40 days. I should have all 20 pounds off in the next month, stay tuned.

Analog Diet, week 4

Analog Diet, week 4

I've lost 12 pounds in 32 days. I should have all 20 pounds off in the next month, stay tuned.
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Analog Diet, week 3

Analog Diet, week 3

By balancing carbs, proteins, and fats in an analog blend, I managed to lose 10 pounds in less than a month.

Analog Diet, food planning

Analog Diet, food planning

Making four bowls for lunch that last two days each, means I go grocery shopping once every eight days.
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Analog Diet, week 2

Analog Diet, week 2

Losing 7 pounds in 16 days is great progress. I am on track to lose at least 20 pounds over two months.

Analog Diet, week 1

Analog Diet, week 1

Losing 4 pounds in 8 days is great progress. By staying active and working out twice a week, my metabolism is not slowing.
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Introducing the Analog Diet

Introducing the Analog Diet

It's analog since it balances carbs, proteins, and fats. The secret is that all the carbs come from vegetables.

Body Solid EXM3000 1-hour workout

Body Solid EXM3000 1-hour workout

You don't need to go to the gym every day for three hours. A one-hour workout twice a week will keep you fit.
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Body Solid EXM3000 gym, adding weights

Body Solid EXM3000 gym, adding weights

Add 50 pounds of weights to the stacks in the gym. Mine got lost in shipping, but you can also increase from 200 to 250 lb stacks.

Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep4

Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep4

All finished, with the missing weights on the way from the seller. The great quality makes up for the bad documentation.
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Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep3

Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep3

A box of weights is missing and more grief with very limited documentation. Some pulleys get installed after the cable.

Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep2

Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep2

Not installing the weight stack yet lets me slide the gym around to see where I want it in the room.
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Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep1

Body Solid EXM3000 gym assembly ep1

With its limited documentation, assembling this gym is difficult. This video shows how to put together the base.

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