Here is the stuff boxed up, though the 10-inch tapes still need to be put away.
Here is a wider view of that lede picture. My ever-present 30-oz insulated mug of iced tea keeping me hydrated while I get the files put in the computer. I gave the cameras away, I can't remember to whom. The tapes themselves I kept and still have. The computer got moved, and is occasionally used if I need to read a 3.5-inch floppy. It is also needed for some 32-bit drivers for my REX-6000 address book and Cardscan scanner. I guess it's time to give up an XP computer, huh. The stereo might be one that blew up after the move, a metal tack that holds the glass in a cheap wooden picture frame had fallen down into the stereo and blew it up. The Harley boots pen holder got sold on eBay, I think, though maybe after I moved to Florida.