A day-to-day strive

June 2014 posts

horizontal bar Saturday, Jun 14, 2014

Leave Cali day 46

Leave Cali day 46 Transcribing the Digital-8 VCR films into the computer, prettying up the Teac 3440 4-track....
horizontal bar Wednesday, Jun 11, 2014

Leave Cali day 45

Leave Cali day 45 A dump run, a survey of the side yard, and I crate up another Harley engine....
horizontal bar Sunday, Jun 8, 2014

Leave Cali day 44

Leave Cali day 44 I list the buffet and hutch on Craigslist, and transcribe more 10-inch audio tapes....
horizontal bar Saturday, Jun 7, 2014

Leave Cali day 43

Leave Cali day 43 Packing up the shop, the music room, and getting a tire off a 1960s Sportster front wheel....
move up a little to the right This is the end.

June 2014 posts (con't)

horizontal bar Tuesday, Jun 3, 2014

Leave Cali day 42

Leave Cali day 42 The 1979 oil pump still leaks. Never time to do it right, always time to do it over. I do it over....
horizontal bar Monday, Jun 2, 2014

Leave Cali day 41

Leave Cali day 41 I re-install the oil pump on my 1979 Sportster, transcribe some audio tapes, and plan the move....
horizontal bar Sunday, Jun 1, 2014

Leave Cali day 40

Leave Cali day 40 I finish up the repairs on my 1979 Sportster. Timing, a new brake master cylinder, electrical....
move up a little to the right This is the end.
end bar
Bottom of first column This is the end.